Sensors, Microphone, speaker

Android APP

Linux, Database, Node-Red

Edge Computing

Used Smartphone has sensors, CPU, Memory and data storage. Node-Red Programming tool is installed in the smartphone. So, it can be used as IoT server.

Prepare your smartphone

  • Download an app called “F-Droid” from This app lets you install other apps that are free and open-source.
  • From F-Droid, install an app called “Termux.” This will let you access a terminal on your smartphone, similar to the ones you see in movies where hackers type lots of code!
  • Also, install the “Termux:Boot” add-on, which will allow apps to run when your phone starts up.

Set up your smartphone as an edge gateway:

  • Open Termux and type in some commands to update and upgrade its software packages. Think of this as making sure your phone’s software is up-to-date and has all the necessary features.
  • Install an SSH server on your phone. This will allow you to connect to your phone from your computer remotely and control it.

pkg update && pkg upgrade -y

pkg install openssh # ssh package

passwd: *******  # password

  • Type in more commands to download and install some additional software packages. These packages will help you set up a program called “Node-RED” and a database called “PostgreSQL.”

For remote access, you can use window shell as the below similar command

ssh -p 8022 u0_a149@

in the termux, download and install the belows

pkg install wget nano python  # download, editor, python program





activate downloaded files and load as the follows;

chmod +x

./   # auto installation for node-red, postgresql

chmod +x

./       # auto start postgresql

chmod +x # operation check info mail.

Before execute, you should set the email configuration with nano editor.